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Welcome! Bienvenue!

Hallo! And welcome to my newest blog, The Word Nerd. I am definitely a nerd of words in every language I can get my hands on.

Since I couldn't figure out how to change my 'about me' portion I thought I would do a friendly introduction post (...I am used to how wordpress, and my own personal blog work).

The reason why I am creating The Word Nerd is because I love languages I love being able to connect with other people and learn more about other cultures.

Oh isn't that beautiful and so true! In high school and college language learning was an addiction for me. Like I'm talking about a serious addiction. Where I would sit in my room not realizing it's been hours and be able to walk out of said room thinking in a new language (simple things like introductory phrases, greetings, feelings, etc.) 

I couldn't go to a bookstore without buying at least 1 or 2 new language books. I'd watch or listen to hours of youtube videos whenever I could (while I was driving or getting ready for the day). I had dozens of songs on my phone in various languages, and podcasts. I totally emerged myself into languages. I took courses whenever I could. 

Life was simply incredible with my language success. Then after college I got a full time job, and my capability and almost fluency went down the drain. My ambition died. (I really did and it's sad to have such a strong passion be set on the back burner)

But, that is the point of this new blog. It is a place where I can post about languages that I am learning and the new amazing things I am discovering and share it with all of you! I hope that if anyone reads this who speaks another language or is learning or just has a passion for languages please share your comments!
